17 June, 2010

#29 The shortened version of the last lecture

It was very powerful. It is amazing how he can just be out and telling people that he is accepting the fact that he is going to die in the next six months. If i was in that situation, i would be traveling the world and spending time with my family, friends and people i care about. It is really hard to imagine how he must really feel. He has a wife and a family and he is about to die. He mmust think that the world really hates him or something because I know that I would. I just think that he is a really brave man and more should here his message that he has to say.

#37 Invictus

I can see why the poem ment so much to mandella.It talks about no matter what is going to happen to you that you are in control of what you do. It says "I am the captain of my soul". To me it means that no matter what the world throws at you, you are the only one who is in control of your self. I can now see why the poem ment so much to Nelson Mandela. In a ways it was telling him that he was ultimatly in control of his fate,, and noone could change that.

09 June, 2010

Craig Kielburger's Photos.

It's amazing that they could get Hedley to help with there Me to We movement. With the band helping out, it will become more popular. The more people know, the more people want to help out. I personally think that this is a very big step for Craig Kielburger and his brothers Me to We campaign.

22 April, 2010

#27 Oprah's Story

Oprah, to me is sort of unbeleavable. She has a tv show anh has people come on who have problems. Then she fixes the problems and gives away alot of free stuff and everyone is happy. I find that she is always giving away huge prizes , i mean where does she get all the money to do al this. The same goes for ellen. They both give away big prizes regularly and always has alot of money. Oprah's show, to me is very boring. In general i am not a fan of Oprah but i do aprecceate what she does for people that need help.

#24 Safe Schools

I wasn't on the field trip but from what was said in class it was okay. The people that went said that there should have been more talking in small groups than big lecures and that makes sence. To me, i take more out of a confrence if it is more of a discussion type than one person talked an the rest just listen. other than that the topic was good and the people that went learned alot.

#23 Think Pink

For the Think pink day on April 14th i was home sick. From what I've heard it went very well and a lot of people participated. It takes a lot to stand up to a bully as an individual trust me i know, but as a group, the bully stands no chance and that is the significance of the think pink day and why it was started.

#15 Blue and White Overnight

In general, I think that this is a fantastic way to raise money. is is 5 dollars to get in but then there are raffles, pie in the face, and also a tuck shop to but candy and pop. The Overnight also gives the chance for people to hang out with their friends and just have alot of fun in a safe enviroment. I, unfortuneetly can not make it to the onernight. It sounds like alot of fun and i hope that everyone has fun and noone gets hurt.

#14 Spring clean up

I know that i am a little behind on my blogs for this one but i think that it is a very good idea. It is a great way for IDCI to get out in the community and for people in the comunity to get the help that they might need. It also puts a good name in the community that IDCI has an active Leadership class that acually goes out of their way to help out. It is also another way to raise that little bit more that we need , as a school, to make a new well in Seirra Leone.

#25 What can IDCI learn from Moanrch Park Collegiate?

IDCI as a group can learn alot from Moanrch Park Colegiate and alot from their play Blue. It shows alot about domestic violence and the problem with sexual orentation. I believe that many people will and have been afected by this play in a good way. I can only hope that people, including my self, will learn that the bistander is more powerful than you take them to be. Blue is a perfect example of what we all should do when we are faced with a situation like the play blue was all based on.

26 March, 2010

#22 Belonging

I feel that i really belong in my church youth group. I get along with most of the people, and we are all really open with the people that attend on a regular basis.
We have a great group of leaders and spend lots of aor free time with eachother. It is almost like haveing a second family sometimes.It feels that i can talk about anything to them and i can trust them to keep itm in the group.

#19 Pay it forward...the movie

I thought the movie was very good. It was a very good idea for a movie. I have seen it about 5 times now and the ending still makes me sad.
To me, it seems realistic. If some one wanted to change the world with an idea like that, then if every one really wanted to change then it could work. But it will only work if every one tries hard.

#18 The Blue And White Overnight

For the Blue and White Overnight i think that keeping eveery body is key. If people are really board or not having fun, then they won't want to come back.
From what i heard in class, the hide and seek in the darkl was a huge hit. Also, the fact that people could throw pies in teacher faces. There could also be a food eating contest. Anyways that is just a thought.
From what i have heard, it was a really big sucess and i hope it is again this year.